Contacta con nosotros para practicar Surf en Maldivas
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Si tienes alguna duda o quieres reservar tu estancia para hacer surf en Maldivas con nosotros no dudes en utilizar este formulario. Te resolveremos tus dudas o empezaremos a gestionar tu estancia en Natural Surf House.
¿Qué opinan los que ya nos han visitado y han hecho Surf en Maldivas?
That was my favorite holiday with you guys, thank you so much!Nice clear rooms amazing food and still something to do!
I’ve been travelling to the maldives each year for over 10 years. I’ve visited many islands and stayed at many guesthouses. Any of the natural surfhouse villas are by far better than anything else out there. The rooms are big, and lots of light. The common areas offer plenty of space to hang around and chill after an exciting day full of surf. However, the real highlight lies with the food and the staff. You will not find better food in any other guesthouse!!! The menus are very elaborated incluiding food from around the world. Always finishing up with delicious desserts !!!! Equally bar-raising is the way the staff treats every single guest…truly inspiring.I’d like to note as well that no other surf-guesthouse, camps, villas offer such a. Extensive dinghi/shuttle service. Boats usually leave 3 times a day to nerby honkeys, sultans and jailbrakes.It has been my best surf experience in the maldives by far!
Really good service, and friendly guides. You could create your dream vacation with these guys.